Discarded panel from a Comic I'm doing with Syenagiri. The script
written by V.Starovoit and J. Undurti is by far one of the most complex
and layered ones that I've come across till date. The project has been
challenging, and thoroughly enjoyable so far. Watch this space for more
Sneak peek into an ongoing Graphic Novel project with Ram.V . Have a good day, folks! - Kish
Yup, as you may have noticed, I have been steering clear of digital art of late. I seem to derive a lot more pleasure from actually getting my hands dirty
"Despite being warned repeatedly against staying lost in day-dreams, Kishore Mohan continued to dream on and make up stories. Today he earns a living as a storyteller. His body of work includes hundreds of comic strips in the New Indian Express, and several comics and graphic novels. He has also directed animated segments in the movies Gangster, and OK Kanmani. He is an introverted cavemen who can pass himself off as quite the people person when forced out of his cave" - As seen on the back blurb of Autopilot - A Traffic Novel