Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mostly Sequential

As it often happens with my blogs, I've been away from this one too for so long. I blame facebook and instagram for all the instant gratification that they provide with their 'likes' and such. But  somehow they both lack the archival value that blog posts have. Or may be it's just me.

Speaking of which, I have added yet another blog to my long list of blogs. This one is mostly to showcase my sequential art. You can visit it by clicking on the image below. I'll be adding more webcomics there whenever I can

And to all those who opine that microblogging has massacred blogs, let me repeat what Onur Kabadayi, the managing director of Boomads, said in his article in The Guardian
"Blogs haven't disappeared – they have simply morphed into a mature part of the publishing ecosystem. The loss of casual bloggers has shaken things out, with more committed and skilled writers sticking it out. Far from killing the blog dream, this has increased the quality of the blogosphere as a whole."

1 comment:

Aritra Paul said...

it indeed is easier to follow you on facebook. But I love reading your blog, all the best for new one.